Knockoffs Run Club is a community Run Club based out of North Hobart, Tasmania.
We focus on three main pillars:
1. Running (or walking);
2. Having a chat and making social connections; and
3. Enjoy a post run beer (or cider, wine or non alcoholic).
Free community runs with an emphasis on supporting you, creating social connections and bringing out smiles.
Every Thursday, leaving 6pm sharp from Room for a Pony, North Hobart.
The runs are 40mins in total duration, 20mins out at your own pace and 20mins back at your own pace. Each week, two 'Knockoffs Sweepers' are assigned to sweep from the back, creating a supportive and encouraging environment for any new members or if you're simply just getting back into it!
8 different routes around Hobart:
Room for a Pony are our venue supporters - we start and finish all Thursday runs here. The offer discounted schooners of beer, cider and wine after Knockoffs events for all Knockoffs members. They also have a wide selection of pizza and other delicious food.